Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Danger Danger Will Robinson!

Welcome to Trace's Space! Future tripping, that’s what’s on my mind today.  We all do it, we thrust ourselves into the future and most time when we do, it is seldom associated with good thoughts of things to come.  We find ourselves engaging in Debbie Downer day dreams of what tomorrow may bring.
I am very guilty of this.  As you all know the trust issues tend to get the best of me, hence forth why I tend to be awake at three in the morning, the mind just never rests.  I can find myself worrying about finances, or my kids, my job, you name it.  Usually the mind adventure I take is not even close to the outcome but I still tend to do it! If we are honest, I betcha some of you do too.
Today Mike and I took a road trip, and as we were traveling we ended up behind a truck carrying a very hazardous material.  I then say to Mike, “do you realize how easy it would be for a terroist to get control of that truck and slam it into a building?”  Seriously...what brought that on?
See I have a theory about we Americans, after 9/11 we never delt with our fears, our grief, and I believe that as a nation we entered into a collective season of PTSD.  I believe that the events of that day began the spiral of craziness that we are dealing with today, almost twenty years later.
We are always looking over our shoulders waiting for the next mass shooting or genocide to take place, every man seems to be for himself, people really do live with a real fear of tomorrow.  While the terrorist of the day did not cause a fall, a surrender of America, theoretically, they succeeded in gaining control of our minds.  We see a whole lot of acting out, a lot of self destruction, a true sign of PTSD.
Think about it.  How often do you go to a restaurant, or to a movie, or a concert and not plan your escape?
I would like to believe that we live in a safe, worry free utopian society, but we do not.  We have to get a hold of our need to exaggerate in our imaginations, most of us can do that, otherwise we would never go anywhere... prime example, once on a hike with our daughter Anna and my husband there was a rattle snake on the path! While they were quick to cautiously investigate, it ruined the hike and every hike there after for me.  It is a fear that I force myself to face, if I don’t, I will miss out on waterfalls or awesome rock formations, however every time I hear a stick fall I know there is a snake ahead.   Realistically, snakes live in the woods and we simply need to avoid them, for me, I would feel safer with a pistol and a shovel in hand, but that’s not even a option, or a smart option!
While that is a very real fear, think about the ones that are not.  We tend to avoid our fears no matter how silly they may be.  I have never been on an airplane, why? I’m afraid it will crash, also how will my body respond to the pressure, the whole idea of flying terrifies me.  I will probably never fly because that is a fear that I don’t believe I can conquer.  Silly, right?
But back to worrying, we shouldn’t, we have been instructed in the Bible to not worry about tomorrow, it will tend to itself.  Also it says that God takes care of the sparrow, what makes us believe He won’t take care of us?
We need to take hold of the fact that Gods got us, and quit allowing our minds to get the better of us.  Most of the stuff we future trip about we can actually do nothing about.  We have no control of others, like we have no control of the weather! Does this mean live a life of denial? No, but we can grasp on to what’s real.
I think we need to face our giants head on and let them know they don’t own us!  Whether it be our own or hey even America’s!
Back to 9/11, we are still fighting the battle on terror, we fight it everyday because as citizens we never reclaimed what that enemy stole from us.  Safety, security, real national pride.  We have allowed them to crash those planes in our minds thousands of times, that’s how terrorisim works, it’s not about the exact moment, it’s about the moments to come! America needs debriefed! We need healing.
So today I pray for those of us that worry.  That some how we find the ability to simply rest easy! To not allow our fears to get the best of us.  To not worry about tomorrow, because He’s got our Hands! Amen, Amen!
See you next time