Friday, September 15, 2017


Welcome to Trace's Space.  Dynamite, flares, firecrackers, homes, yes homes, all come equipped with fuses, how short is yours?  I was sitting here watching the news and the story of the day was an explosion caused by a home made device, and I really got to thinking on how or why,  then the wiring in my head lead me to this thought, what causes one to explode, a person that is, and is it immediate, slow , does it happen very easily with a match, or does it require intricate wiring!
The Bible warns us on being quick in the anger response, but do we really heed that warning, I would have to say I am terrible in the non-reaction area, I am often quick to anger, and definitely am working on this.
Recently I was faced with an issue that angered me so much I couldn't think of anything else.  This issue was brought on by judgement of others and quick responses.  Not completely thinking things through, which resulted in honest people placing trust in folks who have proven that they are nothing more than liars. My fuse was lit, burned quickly, and BOOM!  The worst part, I could do nothing to fix it.  I felt responsible, yet I felt used, I recognized that what I believed to be the best decision for all parties involved was tainted buy a carefully wired explosive.
So for days, I kept exploding over and over, rehashing the issue of the hour, losing sleep, feeling guilty, feeling stupid! Ugh! Then it happened, the fuse refused to light! I had what I call an epiphany!
Why was I allowing something I could not change, spark the flame! Hmmm, that was something I could control, I had the ability to remove myself, and cut the fuse so short that the folks flinging matches at me could no longer have access to me or my device! Which was my fuse!
You know we all know who tries to kill, steal and destroy, we have talked about that flying monkey before.  But here is the deal, that persons idea of destroying us is covered.  It's that simple! It's covered! We don't need approval, we don't need to own other peoples garbage! We are covered. That covering smothers out the sparks of dishonesty, selfeshness, hate, ugly, whatever!
The only thing is, the more the enemy sees how much you are willing to trust in God the more he puts folks who bid his due in your path. You have to recognize that is what it is, and folks who have a hard time seeing him for who he is, or place their trust in the wrong folks, have to get to a place on their own to say, hey, get behind me Satan, I got no time for you!
This whole situation was for me an eye opener to help me make some critical choices on what it is that God has called me to do, and to focus on that, and even though my intentions were good, that season of involvement is over for me! The enemy took it, saw a weakness, but God reclaimed me, and will make it good, because that is who He is!
Lord I thank You for Your faithfulness, for not being to hard on me in my season of short fuseness.  I thank You for showing me that you are the provider of that which is good, honor goes to those who deserve it, and in the big picture, I want folks to see the Jesus that truly resides in me.  Lord I pray for those who don't know you, and that the bitterness they have or what ever condition of the heart they have be softened, because You are good, You are Love! Amen

So Boom! God is so Good!
See you next time

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