Sunday, April 29, 2018

So, It’s A Mystery Box!

Welcome to Trace’s Space! In my job I spend a lot of time taking notice of children what they know, what they do.  What is the process, how do they get from point A to point B.  What level of expertise or difficulty do they have in obtaining a goal.  Children are enlightening, we can and should take notice, we can learn a lot about who we are from watching them.
So our Grandson Jase enjoys Lego’s. He loves to build, he loves to create.  So I knew he was coming over today so I decided I would treat him to a very small LEGO set. This was not a typical set, it was a “Mystery” set.  At first he was intrigued, the whole idea of it being a mystery was very appealing.
So he quickly rips open the box, pulls out the bag of various shaped and sized legos, and the instruction book.  He’s immediately says, “Mawmaw, what is this suppose to be?” I answer, “ I don’t know, it’s a mystery.”
His demeanor changes. Not that he is overwhelmed, this immediately becomes serious business.  The instructions for these sets show you exactly what pieces you need for each section, so even though he didn’t know exactly what was being built, he had the plan, a visual aide to help him along.  So about thirty minutes later he was finished not only with the five items in the set, but with also creating something from the leftover pieces.
He never gave up, he just followed the plan.  He is five.
How often do we give up when something we are struggling with deviates from what we know or what we need to see? Even if there is a plan, how often do we throw up our hands and say forget it because we have no clue in how it’s going to turn out.
See life is a mystery, and in a sense the things and the ways of God are too. A lot of Who He is, is revealed in His word, but so much more as we simply live.  We really never know what’s coming unless we plan, or have been given a plan.  So much of our life journey is trial and error, and so much of our journey needs to be trust driven.
We often find ourselves future tripping trying to figure it all out with out a set of instructions, that is life.  Our mind game or visually created trip is always much worse than the actual journey, see that’s how it is when we try to figure it out on our own. But sometimes it is what it is.
Jase wanted to go off plan when he was finishing up because there were left over blocks.  The problem was the pieces were random, using his mind and having vision, he created exactly what his imagination saw, it made little sense to no one but him, and that was fine, but for the rest of us, is being so random ok? Perhaps! See again it’s trust!
Sometimes we need to just go with it.  That is very hard for most folks.  I am a ducks in a row girl, so going a little rogue is hard for me.  I need rules, I need order, although when I was a kid that wasn’t reality! I was the poster child for ADHD, lol! But as I grew older I found my ability to function was controlled by order, it’s what I need.  I have to be given a plan.
So I pray a lot for direction and clarity of His plans for me, because even though I have walked a lot of my journey with Him, I’m  still a little lost!  My life is still has a lot of mystery left to it.
I guess what I’m trying to say is our mysterious life should be looks upon as an adventure.  We may be often surprised by outcomes but in the end it’s all good because our God is Faithful.  We have to learn to lean on Him for understanding and simply trust Him.
Lord today I pray for understanding and clarity.  I pray that I am walking the path and following the plan you have for my life! Lord I also pray to you on behalf of those who are reading this, that they too embrace You for who You are, Amen.
See you next time.

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