Tuesday, June 26, 2018

If the Shoe Fits, You May Not Be Able To Walk In Them!

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  I love buying shoes.  The problem is I find that most shoes while very attractive in appearance, they tend to be very tough on the foot.  The older I get the more I realize heels, while I love how they look, cause me great agony, and well, I just can’t walk in them, even with the correct fit.
Today as I was reading our local news online, I went to the comments section and started reading what folks had to say about a certain incident that had occurred over the weekend.  I was bothered.  Usually I just kind of read the comments, consider the source, then move on... but today, it stirred something in me.  The question kept creeping into my mind, “who do we think we are?”  Unless we have worn the same shoes and walked the same path, we are clueless.
We all have our definitions of what is right and what is not, what is holy what is evil.  We all have our   own level of moral infuriority that some how places us in a self created place of betterness. I like to believe that I am no better than anyone else no matter where I am in my journey, but sometimes we travel to that not nice place, you know where it’s okay to feel that way, to feel because you take the higher road you are a better person, but honestly it’s not! No matter our lot in life, we are no better than anyone else.
From dust we have come, to dust we will return.  No one is getting out of here alive!
People were being quite cruel.  Saying openly what they believed was the cause of said incident.  Attacking every person involved, attacking the break down of society.  No Solutions, a couple of we need to pray, some so sorry.  Only one person defended the person by saying what they believed to be true ( I tend to go with her version of truth), but then folks went after her!
See she had worn the same shoes.  Her life experience spoke volumes...yet the sneaker wearers were more than willing to kick this girl off her Stiletto’s like a punter kicking a football.  Life experience spoke nothing to them, and to me that was sad.  No matter what angle she took, sharing her personal journey, no one seemed to have a moment of mercy to spare.  Her journey was relevant to the situation and full of truth.
It got to me.
Every part of my being wanted to engage in the commenting, but my heart said no! Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom.   I am learning to guard my tongue and hold my thoughts captive.  Speaking your mind is not always wise, it’s not always profitable.   I think all it would have done by engaging in the conversation, was burn the rubber off my flip flops.
We live in a society that feels that we always need to just say what we think or feel, but that’s not truth! We have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  We need to filter and process our words wisely.
Combat boots are not meant to be worn daily unless you are planing on engaging in battle.  As a Christian I have a full set of armor for that!   While we need to be ready for spiritual battle, the shoes we choose or have chosen will contribute to the success of our own journey, not anyone else’s.
So can you walk in your own shoes, or do you need to maybe shop for a different pair? It’s up to you!
See you next time.

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