Wednesday, July 11, 2018

It Had Wings to Fly, So I Launched it!

Welome to Trace’s Space.  I love quiet mornings in the summer when I have the opportunity to sit on our front porch and simply enjoy the breeze. Today is a beautiful day, no clouds, no humidity, no noise, just peace.
So today,  between loads of laundry and cups of coffee, I found that the porch was my refuge and nothing was going to come between me and my quiet time, well so I thought.  I had gone inside to fold clothes and as I was coming back out the front door I looked up.  And before my very eyes I saw this bug, one of the ugliest moths I had ever seen in my life!  I am sure it had merely came to my porch to get a bite of some of my flowers, but I wasn’t having it! Some naturalist/nature lover is surely cringing right now because I didn’t just leave it alone, but my thought process justified my actions, this thing has wings, it can fly, so I took my broom and launched it.  It made no effort to fly on its own and it landed somewhere in my neighbors yard.
What bothered me was, it made no effort to fly! I know I didn’t kill it, or at least I don’t think I did.  I thought maybe it was nocturnal and only would fly at night... Maybe it just was enjoying not having to flap it’s own wings, maybe I had stunned it, nothing made sense, and why do I even care, it was a bug!
Then I had this thought.  No creature on this earth asks to be created, asks to be  physically born.  Think about that, we do not ask for physical life, we do not choose that life for ourselves, someone or something makes that choice for us.
I for one do not believe that there is a product line in heaven and that God is standing there saying, this will be human, this will be a camel, a dog, a bug.  That folks was handled at creation.  Now do I believe there are new species? Yes.  That is proven science, but I believe that in the name of evolution that in time, natural change takes place and that was Gods plan to allow it.  See it has to happen because there is always life and death.  It also has to happen because conditions on this earth are constantly changing, whether it be brought on by natural selection or man made interference.
That moth did not have a plan that involved a broom and a crazy woman...Its plan was to simply come and dine!
Now as for living.  That is different.
We all know that folks make choices every day that concern life and death,   I believe other creatures on this earth do too.  Whether it is a conscious choice or not, I do not know, but a choice to visit a water hole in the jungle can be deadly (that’s what I mean).  Life is a gift, freely given, now honoring it is hard.  Living is hard, but God is Good!
There is much theology concerning death and life and rebirth, aka salvation, but the message is very clear, that is the One clear choice is left up to us.  While it’s not a physical death, dying to ones self is clearly a choice.  Choosing life with Christ is clearly our choice.  It’s a matter of life or death.  This rebirth is our decision.   We are the only species on this earth that has that offer, rebirth.
What about other creatures? My theory is this, if the waves and winds know His name, so do the birds and the bees, and even moths! Hmmmmm.... do animals go to heaven? They are part of creation! My personal thoughts are, yes!
So as I sit here and continue to enjoy the breeze of summer, one thing I am sure of is, I am thankful.  Thankful for the life my parents gave me, and the new Life God has given me! I am also thankful that no superior being is smacking me with a broom hoping I will fly!
See you next time!

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