Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Is Your Legacy?

Welcome to Traces Space...
Funny how a little football and the drama that has come along with it can spark a thought or two into my mind.  This whole "de-flate gate" has really stirred a question in me...What is or what will be my legacy.
One tends to go right to our children, or our belongings, or even our jobs, the memories of the things that we may or may not have gotten right while we have been on this life's journey.
The whole idea that our whole legacy can be dependent on one choice, one decision whether it be bad or good is kind of up to us.  And when looking at the whole scheme of things, we are all pretty superficial when we look at others and really critical  when we look at ourselves.
I thought about the legacy of that football team...Honestly it won't matter how many games they win or how great the players were...what folks will remember is the history of them being cheaters.  All over the choice to play of all things with deflated footballs.  Really its kind of funny.
What is it that I will leave here that folks will remember me by?  Will it be my writing, my singing, my wonderful ability of working with small children? My children and grandchild?  Or will it be my horrible driving attitude, or my inability to jump on board the cat train?  My uncanny sarcastic views? My faith?
What ever it is I hope is not defined in one second.
The bible is full of characters with well defined legacies. Really super good ones, and some not so good.  From the first couple to Jesus himself we see how life choices can mold ones final thoughts on someone.  We see how one person's choice can bring on what is called "generational" curses.  We see one persons choice to trust brings on deliverance.  Our choices effect the future generations.
David danced, but David cheated...David paid the ultimate price...but his legacy wasn't based on his cheating, it was based on getting it right with God.  Lots wife looked back, but Lot didn't.  I could go on and on, but I bet you know exactly what I mean...
Based on one choice it could sum up our whole life..."Could" being the important word there.
At this point I have no idea what I am going to leave behind that people will be able to see and say hey that was a Tracy thing.  But one thing I do know is what I would like it to be...
I would like my legacy to be that I was always fair, that I looked at both sides of every story, that I never for one moment felt that I was better or above anyone else.  That I loved my family with everything that I have, and that I always honored and praised God with extreme intensity.  Everything else just a bonus.
So what do you think your legacy will be? Have a good week...see you soon.

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