Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It is what it is...

Welcome to Traces space...It is what it is.  It is a phrase that seems to come from my mouth more these days than ever.  Is it where I am in life, my age, or is it actually one of those things that has been on my heart for years but God is using something as simple of a phrase to help me in my quest to kind of just get some of what life is throwing my way?
I have found myself for a few years simply throwing this phrase around like I really mean it, but recently it has found itself finding meaning of its own in my life.
Sometimes we find ourselves living in moments that we just can't understand, and it may not even be a moment that is horrible, it is just a life kind of thing...A long line at the grocery store, a traffic jam, a day at work that we think will never end. And in each of those situations we find ourselves so caught up in the moment that we might actually miss something that "is" and that God may be trying to reveal Himself in.
It is what it is isn't a bad thing.  Ok, I have come to that conclusion after years of believing that wherever we are in life sometimes is our "lot"...its not that at all. 
As we grow in who God is and Who God is in us, we find ourselves in a whole lot of it is moments, and in that growth/maturity, we learn to adjust ourselves to the time we spend there.  The idea is to simply live through it or in it until it is time to move through it or over it or what ever the greater plan may be.
Its a good place to lose yourself in prayer, to pray that He show you that which you really need to see or hear while you are there.
God is everywhere in every situation, even when we think He isn't.  His desire is that we seek Him at all times, and that we are always will to praise and worship no matter what.
Psalm 40:17
17 My Lord, I am only a poor, helpless man,
    but please pay attention to me.
You are my helper, the one who can save me.
    My God, don’t be too late
Even when we feel poor and broken in our "it is" moment...He is our Helper and our deliverer.  He lends His ear to us and listens when we call upon His name.
Be encouraged...It is what it is, isn't forever.  Have faith, lift up your head...for you shall over come!
See you soon...

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