Monday, August 8, 2016

Sea of Faces

Welcome to Traces Space.  I totally stole my title from a song by the band Kutless.  We are so often lost in a sea of faces.  As we walk through life we encounter many faces, many familiar, many that we think are familiar, then the faces that we just don't know.
Faces represent people in general, and who they are or think they are, aspire to be or who they have actually become.  See a face is much more than a part of the body.  Its our first impression, its the readable feature, the one that can identify every thing from shear joy to total disgust.
I have a very readable face, you can pretty much tell what I am thinking by my expression, my eye rolling is apparently legendary, but seriously, I would never make a good liar because as soon as I try to tell a fib, I get really red in the face and kind of start to laugh...I am not good at it.  This face is transparent. 
So lately I have found myself in this sea of faces of folks I thought I knew.  While they look like the same old folks I have always known, there is a change, life takes a toll on the face.  The elements around us cause our physical appearance to become weathered and worn.  Our daily trials and unexpected journeys do something to what was a young and healthy looking face.
Again its not just about appearance.  Webster's dictionary defines the word "face" as a noun and a verb:
  • the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes
  • a front, upper, or outer surface,  a surface specially prepared
  • the way something appears when it is first seen or thought about
  • to acknowledge; admit
  •  to meet courageously; confront
Can you face it?
Actually I can't, and I don't want to!
I have found myself saying that a lot lately, I can't face it and don't want to but have had to.
I look in the mirror everyday and think, my God what has happened to me.  My youth is quickly fading away, and my face is showing every ounce of disappointment, fear, anger, pain, and small amounts of joy I have left.  And by golly as I go out into that endless sea of faces, I see people just like me.
I find no comfort in having to admit that there is something wrong, then having  to face it,,  it takes every courageous bone in my body to confront it.  I am very non confrontational. I hate conflict, except for debates with our daughter Rachael...Its because while those conversations may become heated, they are not intended to be hurtful...We are very mindful of each others stand on the worlds issues...Funny thing is as passionate as we are, we have the same facial expressions when it comes to anger, frustration and even laughter.  But the key word there is being mindful. Even in the heat of the moment we recognize the faces, we have not changed in appearance to each other...My face is one in the same as it has been her whole life.  Unlike other faces we see that we thought would always be familiar.
See some folks disguise themselves well...they seem to have more than one face.  Yes I said it, some people seem to have more than one face...One of truth, and one of well, anything but the truth.  They are constantly trying to be what people desire they be, or try to be something other than what they truly are...And that folks is contrary to what God desires for us.
See if we are truly wearing our own face, being true to who we are, then we are representing and living in the image of God.  We were not created to just be a face in a sea of faces.  We were created to represent truth, love, justice, holiness.  We were not created to become a god, to be an image of Who He IS!
We were created to "face" ourselves, to acknowledge and admit and confront things with courage.  To be able to co-exist in this crazy world full of faces that are unfamiliar, even when we have known that face our whole life.  Even when the face that has changed is our very own.
Psalm 27 tells us to seek His face, His face will not turn from us. 
He wants us to recognize Him, to know who look for.  I have never seen the face of God, but I am sure if I was in His presence I would recognize Him.  He is the one face that never changes, the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
As the song says "He Traded His Life for Mine" He did for everyone else.
So don't get lost at sea.
See ya soon...

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