Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Struggles the Same, the Journey is Different

Welcome to Traces Space!  The Struggles the same, the Journey is different.  What on earth could that mean?  A couple of months ago,  I found myself on my knees at the alter praying, praying for my family, my job, just life, and these words kept coming to me not leaving me alone.  Believe what you like but I know that I know that God was revealing something to me in that moment, however I just wasn't getting it.
It seems to me that most of my writings lately have been about journey's, where I am going, where I have been...Who I have been connected to, and who I may be disconnecting myself from.
I believe now that I get, well kind of get what was being revealed, that no matter the struggle, whether it be one from the past or one coming, that the journey for me no longer will be traveled alone.  Even if I try to travel that way, God is not going to allow it.
That's a strong message.  I thought I always did rely on God, but hmmmm....apparently not.  Seems that my inability to find comfort or peace in things have been forced by the reality of just recognizing words for what they are, but I have to find the truth in those words.  What I guess I am saying here is that we can give lip service, say that we truly or fully surrender to God, but in the back of our mind we find ourselves constantly seeking a truth that we have not accepted as truth.  Does this make sense.  We want instant comfort, we want instant peace, and there are times when it does come that way, but some times it doesn't.  In most of life's circumstances , Gods plan for us is to learn something from it...As a good friend use to say to me often, "what is God saying to you"?  Yes I have quoted that before, but there is a whole lot of wisdom in that.
So here is the meat of the message, because I have thought about it a lot the past couple of days, and also have lived it. My struggles are mine, I own them, and what I choose to do with them is totally up to me.  I can dwell on them, or I can deal with them and travel (the key word being travel there) on.  I can fling them in someone else's direction and have a human factor involved in my personal journey totally disregarding the fact that God has reveled He is the one traveling with me.  I can allow the garbage that enters into my mind take up residency and have it control my every thought and every emotion, and allow that to hinder the true purpose that God has for my life.
Let me clarify, not for one moment I do not believe that God desires that I allow the things of my past to control me, I do not believe that His desire for me is for all of my trust issues, all of the anger, my brokenness to define who I am in Him.  Why do I allow the things that He has long since thrown into the sea of forgetfulness to enter into my mind, or worse yet, my heart.
Oh, here we go, right there, I had to confess, that I have the above issues.  Come clean.
He not only knows my name, He knows my heart, the root of every issue that I have.  He knows the triggers, He knows the solution.  He knows that my greatest fear is to end up alone.

But His word is very clear,

Psalm 73:23
23 Yet I am always with you;
    you hold me by my right hand.
and finally,  Psalm 73:26
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.
So even though my struggle does appear to be the same, the Journey is much different.  As He takes us all from Glory to Glory, He reveals more and more of His true nature to us, and more of our own nature in order to give us healing so that we can shine for His glory not our own.
I truly want to be "whole"...And with His help and guidance it will happen....Because the Journey is different, He is with me, always...
See you soon.


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