Saturday, September 24, 2016

I Fought Authority, Authority Always Wins, When its the Right One

Welcome to Traces Space.  While having my quiet time this morning, I had just finished reading a post on Facebook about the state of our country.  The person who wrote the post was right on with what he said.  He wrote about God being removed from many things, but the one thought that got me was that we have allowed God to be removed from "us".
Who is the authority that you allow into your life?  Who rules over your home, your job, your spouse, your children?  Who do you consult with when making choices?
So usually in my prayer/quiet time, God usually has me revisit something.  This morning it was a visit to a very painful time that our family went through, when we were under the authority of someone who we believed heard from God ( I believe that this time was not all wasted, before I continue, God used this time to introduce salvation, and the fullness of who He is; beauty for ashes).  At first the charismatic personality of this person was enough.  He made us feel wanted and needed, and for me that was enough.  We bought into some very strange doctrines, and also tried to suck others into it as well.  He was able to convince people that he was constantly under attack from the enemy and that well the enemy was out to destroy him.  In some warped sense, he was kind of right.  But he abused his authority, caused heartache, and perhaps turned a few folks away from God.
So this brings me to the point...and the point is this...God will speak to you until you hear Him...or get it...It has been 16 years and I think this morning I finally get what happened, or what God wants me to get from it.  While under this authority we were constantly ministered using the "fear" technique ( which is not God) , I am not advocating no discussion of Hell, no actually I am saying we need to recognize that Hell is real and Satan is real, and he is trying to steal, kill and destroy...and he is doing a great job.  Our country is self destructing, and the church is so busy judging the hearts of everyone else, they are missing what God is speaking to us, He is saying wake up, you need to look at yourselves!
Examine you hearts...humble yourselves, pray, and take real authority, and let God restore what the enemy has stolen from you.
So this morning I prayed, and I let the enemy know that he has no authority, over my husband, my children, my grandchild, my family, what ever...As for me and my house, We serve the Lord.  Satan is not welcome here...plain and simple.
Guard carefully the things that people speak over you...Open the word and see if it measures up...see if it is "truth". Do not buy into everything that looks like its good, because sometimes its not.  The Holy Spirit will let you know...Trust Him, discern.
I know it seems like I am all over the place here but the message is clear, and the message is two fold.
God has not left America yet.  We need to allow Him to take it back.  To stop the Authority that is infiltrating that which He has blessed us with, a land of Freedom, that has made a lot of mistakes, we can fix it by owning it and allowing Him to reveal to each of us our contribution to it and helping us make it right.   And making it right starts in the House of the Lord, and in our own homes.  Owning our sin and repenting...
Lord today I pray that any authority other than that from You God be removed from my heart and the heart of others.  That we change our way of thinking and get into communion with you and do what is right, what is holy.  That we reach out and admit to the things that we have done to hurt others.  To see that we too have sinned and fall short of the Glory of Who You are.  Heal our hearts, heal our land...Amen...
See you next time

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