Sunday, June 4, 2017


Welcome to Traces Space.  To what extreme are you willing to go to defend that which you believe in, or at the very least the ones or One that you love?
In life I have found that I have somehow managed to surround myself with folks who were kind of always willing to step up and defend that which needed to be fought for without much of my input, until lately.
Funny how life is.
I don't mean that in a sarcastic kind of way, but funny how we somehow end up in situations that test our ability to be clear and honest, yet firm and strong.
Believe it or not, conflict makes me extremely uncomfortable.  The thought of being involved in a confrontation of any sort makes me physically ill, even if I am on the right side of the conflict, even if I know that trust is my issue, and believing victory is on the way.
I am a firm believer in the God don't like ugly mentality.  He wants victory for us, but we have responsibility in the battle.  When we are about to face our opponent, whether it be a mouse or a giant, we have to be prepared for poison darts, and we have to be prepared with the ability to maintain the ability to show Gods characteristics.  How easy is it for us to lose our stuff and respond without thought?
In the past two years when seeking God on what the word for my life for the year should be, my spirit has been quickened to the word, response.  I really struggle with this because it is very easy to read me, the eyes usually give it away.  While this character flaw of mine has been the butt of many jokes, it has also been the thorn in almost every confrontation I have ever had.  If I do not simply roll the eyes, then the ugly sarcastic side comes out, no filter! Not a good thing.  The Bible warns us about the danger associated with the tongue and the inability to control it.
So when you are defending yourself or others, controlling the passionate need to defend can lose the battle for you before you ever start the actual fight.  Slinging words, not choosing them wisely will eventually cause the inevitable crow eating to become a true reality.  Not that your fight isn't valid, or worthy, it becomes tainted with attitude and selfishness.
In no way am I saying to give up and not fight, quite the contrary.
First of all take all your battles to God, He has given us what we need in His word, all the fighting words we will ever need and then some.  Learn to walk away, think, pray, then respond.  Realize that not all battles are yours to fight, even if you feel you are all alone.
Yes God don't like ugly! Most of the time the ugly is more so in us than our foe.  The good news is this, God still loves us though, even we are ugly!
So, what extreme are you willing to go? How far or how hard are you willing to fight?
As for me, I'm sure to the end of the battle, and hopefully my responses will no longer be so abrupt.  Because as I grow in this I am learning to TRUST and to know that the battle is not mine, but it is the Lords!
See you next time!

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