Saturday, December 16, 2017

We Can’t All Be A Magi, But The Gift Sometimes is So Worthy!

Welcome To Trace’s Space.  Oh boy, funny how memories flood our thoughts during the holiday season.
In the car today my husband asked me what it is I would like for Christmas.  I hadn’t given much thought this year of anything that I’d really like, or need...I have been focused on what I would be gifting everyone else, and I responded that I’m really good at giving, not so much with receiving. He thought that was funny, had a dialog with me about if he gave me gifts without thought I would be a way he was right.  When I receive a gift, the monitary value means nothing, what matters to me is that a lot of thought was put into it, and the gift has meaning between me and the person who gave it to me.  Does this make sense?  My gifting is intentional, thoughtful, and well I would hope everyone else is wired that way too, yeah, ok, I’m a realist, but a girl can dream, right?
So a little later I got to thinking, and I went back in time and remembered a time that was tough, and actually ugly, and it involved gifts, and my ungreatfulness.
At work we use to do Secret Santa.  What happened was we would draw names, and for the five days before Christmas break we would leave a little token as a clue so that the person who was being gifted might be able to figure out who their Santa was.
So it began.  I started to receive gifts... really strange gifts.  Nothing that really had much to do with anything... like travel supplies, a loofa, a mirror, a back scratcher, story short, weird...I actually thought my Santa was playing tricks to throw me off and that my gift on the last day was going to be AMAZING! Boy was I wrong! It was awful, not really, but the thought that counts went straight to you know where and I sobbed! I thought my goodness this person hates me, and didn’t want to play once they got my name, blah, blah, blah! Poor me! Then BOOM!
God slammed me with reality.  He spoke! Trace go thank her! I was like nope ain’t going to do it.  I will not thank this person for this bunch of stupid stuff, He again spoke, go thank her.  So I attempted to put on my big girl pants and think of words that wouldn’t be a blatant lie, so I could do as I was being told, my blood was boiling, but the reality, my heart was hurt, she was not worthy of my thankfulness, but....
I gathered my thoughts, put on my happy face and proceeded to go and tend to my fake thankfulness.
So I only had to walk up about twenty steps and by the time I got to the top of the stairs I was aware that there was something to these unwanted gifts, and that God was trying to show my hard heart something.  As I opened the door and looked at her face I realized that her gifts had nothing to do with me, but everything to do with her struggles. So I said, hey thanks for being my Santa, I am thankful for my gifts. This woman got the biggest smile on her face, and then I received the gift I had been waiting for, I gave her validation, and made her happy! She was really clueless on how this game was to be played.  It was a tough season for her as well, she needed encouraged and hugged and loved on, and isn’t that what it really is all about? My gift, her moment of joy!
We can’t all be a Magi in the sense of giving physically appealing or monetary gifts, but what we can do is accept all gifts no matter how humble as if they are worthy.  The Shepherds brought nothing but themselves to the stable (read that sentence twice)...they had no fancy gifts, they actually had no idea they’d be visiting a newborn King, yet their presence was enough.
So as we reach the anticipated day of giving and receiving  gifts in Celebration of His birth, let’s not get so caught up in the what it is or what it’s worth, and focus more so on the why...

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. (‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ NKJV)

Have a Merry Christmas! See you next time.

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