Sunday, February 11, 2018

Will We Know By and By?

Welcome to Trace’s Space... Often I have heard folks say,”when I get to Heaven I am going to ask God, why, where or how.”  To clarify before I go further, I really do not think that when we enter Heaven we are going to care much about our questions, the awesomeness of God will take those earthly questions away.  We will be so engaged in worship, on our face before Him, it won’t matter why there was never world peace or how many licks it took to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
But seriously, I have been thinking a lot lately about where God stands on our need to know, what answers He supplies, and the context of those answers... How much understanding does He really want us to have, especially in the areas that are really tough.
We have all had those events in our life that were really difficult, times when we have questioned the faithfulness of God, and even questioned if there is a God, where is the love, where is the healing, why did He allow my mother to die or my child to struggle... why is my husband sick?  All of those things the world looks at as issues that lack the intervention of a deity that I as a Christian have chosen to trust fully in.  But on the flip side of that, how do people survive the awful of this world without God?
Just yesterday I had a conversation with our daughter Rachael, we were discussing a terrible thing that had recently happened to someone we know... we were talking about the pain and suffering, and as the conversation went on, I shared with her what I believe God wants us to get about reasoning, understanding...Why He allows bad things to happen to good people.  This is my kind of God driven explanation... knowing His nature and His desire to protect His children... I believe we will never know His reason for allowing tragedies to strike, because if He allowed us to know, we would never be able to bare it.  In is omnipotent wisdom, He protects us from “us” and our need to get it.  We do not need to know.. in the earthly view, it’s not fair, but in the God view we have to trust in knowing His ways aren’t ours. This whole life journey is about Trust!
Oh how hard is that?
When my mother died I tried to figure out Gods justification in taking her! She was good, kind, a woman of God! I had words with God a lot over it, ocassionally still do... why could God take her and leave not nice folks... I think I have shared the screaming match I had with God one morning on my way to work! But I’m going to share it again... I was angry with someone, and so I was actively discussing my total dislike for this person with God... I was letting Him know how mean this person was, you know because someone needed to tell Him.  So I was so mad I was bawling, I said, “ God, how could you take my mother who was kind, who was good and leave me———?” As quick as I said it, He replied... “ She was ready”... nothing more... now to some you would think that was the by and by moment, but no... The picture was not completed, what We considered a great sadness could result in joy... Our flesh can’t handle that.  We are selfish by nature...we can’t look beyond our grief and God knows it...
Job lost it all... Yet, he overcame because He knew and trusted God!
Israel had to wonder in the Wilderness...
Jesus went to the cross...
All for the bigger picture..
So today I pray.., Lord even though it hurts, I know Your ways aren’t mine! Lord help us to accept Your silence, but most of all Your wisdom...amen
See you next time

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