Sunday, September 16, 2018

Why Do We Cover Our Crown Of Glory?

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is found on the path of righteousness.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:31‬
Today when I was leaving church, I engaged in a conversation about hair.  One of the ladies I was speaking with use to do hair and always compliments my hair, especially it’s color.  Now I am fully aware that she knows how much process is involved in coloring my hair, and I am grateful for my girl Denise who does an awesome job.  If it were not for her skill, I would be totally salt and pepper gray.
Honestly I am not trying to hide my age, but I am a little vain when it comes to my hair, and can not fully commit to the aging process that will eventually force me to face the hair color I am destined to have.
So in this conversation I start talking about my mother.  She was blessed with the genetics of graying young.  As was her brother Joe.  I have no recollection of Joe with any hair color but gray, except for a Grecian formula mishap, that shade of red, not natural, really funny.  Never the less my moms hair was salt and pepper gray most of her life.  She would have product put on it to brighten in up, once got blonde highlights ( really strange) but she embraced her crown of glory!
As a child I would play in her hair, I can still remember what it felt like to run my fingers through it.  The smell of Prell shampoo.  She would put her hair in rollers, and on special occasions roll ours too.
My mother was not flashy, that roll belonged to my grandmother, her mom! Grandma Mary was very much into her appearance, when we would go visit she had the best stuff... Rouge, lipstick and glitter nail polish.  Oh I loved going there, and she colored her hair, wore flashy clothes, she and my mother, polar opposites.  There is a story there, but not for today, just let me say, I believe my flamboyant grandmother was the reason my mom was on the lowdown with her appearance.
Mom was beautiful.  She embraced who she was, and no facade was needed because the natural was spectacular.
My, oh my, I’m crying.  Not my plan, but deep down that may be why I color my hair.
Mike always says I should let nature take its course, that the gray is beautiful and it won’t change who I am.  But for me it seems to be a place of surrender.  A season that I’m not fully ready to enter into.
I am not ready to take on the gray hair crown! Lol!
There will be crowns in heaven, the crown of  Righteousness, the crown of Life, the crown of Glory, the Incorruptible crown and finally my favorite, the crown of Rejoicing.   You can look these up for yourself and there is scripture that explains what they stand for, but wow...   The crown of Rejoicing represents the scripture in Revelation where God takes away our pain, our tears... there will be no more of that on that great day. What a promise! That’s my crown I hope!
But what is really cool is we will after we receive our crowns have the honor of laying them at the feet of Jesus.  One of my favorite songs is, “ We Bow Down and Lay Our Crowns At The Feet Of Jesus”.  We will probably not say much, just Holy!
Today I am missing my mother, all because of a conversation about hair.  I have spent a lot of years figuring out my mother because she’s not here to enlighten me, not that she would have done that.  Totally not her personality.   But as I get older, I see so much of her in me, my thought processes I believe align with hers, and the things I thought she would have thought as a young adult are way off.
She wore her life crown well.   I hope someday, my children will think that of me.
And with that I say, see you next time.
P.s.  Hair appointment this week, yep, color will be happening!

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