Sunday, February 3, 2019

Could The Kings Men Really Put Him Back Together?

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  This message has been in my heart for months. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty together again.  I know you are wondering, how could an egg and a wall lead to a thought, or a series of thoughts, but it’s there and now is the time to share.
All nursery rhymes have a symbolic meaning, as does this one.  It represents or even actually makes fun of the king or leaders of the day.  Their leadership was not effective, it was not respected, it had no value to the common man.  Think about this, no matter how high and mighty you may seat yourself, you can fall, and you will shatter! Wow that is deep.  Think about it, you will shatter and because there are so many cracks and broken pieces, even those followers you have sucked into your agenda, will have no clue how to put you back together.
In 1 Samuel, Gods kids are demanding a king.  Samuel goes before the Lord and let’s Him in on the demand, God’s answer in essence is, be careful  what you wish for.  See they had lost faith in their leadership, they have lost faith in God, they wanted a king like all the other nations so that the king could go before them and fight their battles for them.  They wanted an earthly king who could judge who could make decisions.... Honestly God was very upset over this request. Eventually God gives them what they wanted because He knows they are not going to give up in the idea, and for whatever reason His kids had to learn the hard way, just like children of God do today. For what ever reason we have given up on leadership and as a whole our nations trust in God is wavering.
So God gave Israel Saul.  At the beginning it was all good, but as quickly as he had become king, that ruler started to crack, he started to crumble.  See Saul didn’t wait upon the Lord, he had been instructed to wait, in his inpatientance, his unwillingness to wait upon the Lord, he offered up a sacrifice, a selfish, self indulgent praise.  What was sad about the whole thing is, if he would have waited upon the Lord he would have been greatly blessed as well as Israel.  All God was looking for was a ruler who was after His heart, instead he got Saul who was in a hurry, and well just not the man for the job.  There is a whole lot of meat in the message of Saul, take time to read it, you will really get what I’m trying to say here.  This man ruled for a long time, and the end of his story was quite ugly, he was killed along with his sons by the enemy, that enemy that would go to David who would become king, and tell actually gloat about how he had done Saul and his sons in.  See this guy thought David would be pleased, but David called him out and had him executed, because horrible leader or not, Saul was one of God’s anointed, failures, disobedience all of it.
So, who is responsible?
Let’s talk about Humpty Dumpty.  How did he get on the wall and why?  I tend to believe he was a risk taker and maybe sought attention.  Why when he knew the risk of falling, did he climb the wall?
I know he is a fictional character, but why? He may represent a king, a church ruler, even a cannon that was placed on a wall...all of the origins of his character represent leadership and strength and the battle for common good.  Most of us like to believe that a Humpty was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and ooooops he fell, but if you really look into it, he got into this mess all on his own.  He was not a good egg!   He started at the bottom and worked his way up the wall, brick by brick he had an effect on those he served.  While climbing, the wall protected him, but once he made it to the top he was no longer hidden,no longer protected, he was fully exposed to his enemy, what he had become, a careless egg.  If you think about that, his exposure at the top of the wall put the very folks he was charged with protecting in danger, he exposed the way in to the kingdom he was serving.
Then it happened, he somehow lost his balance and down he went.
It was over the moment he hit bottom.  There was no bouncing back, no reconstructive surgery, no last minute intervention, it was over.  Everything he represented in a million little yolk filled pieces.  I imagine all those kings men had a ewww moment! It was a disaster.  Their king was gone!  All they had left to do was clean up the mess.
So, where am I going? Exactly to this time and place and the realization that our country and our world is in big trouble.  We have somehow lost our ability to trust in God and our hope has been placed in rulers/kings that seem to not have solutions that glorify God, all they care to do is glorify themselves.  No matter what side of the wall you are standing on, you expectations differ, yet at the end of the day if you don’t get your way you are quick to want another king.  We have lost focus on who we need to trust, heck our leaders want that reminder removed even from our money!
Because we were not careful what we asked for, we have gotten exactly that!
Daily it gets crazier and crazier, from the devaluation of human life to slanderous media, to leadership that does not want to own their behavior, it has become a time of great trouble.
We find ourselves crying come Lord Jesus come.  We are responsible.
We have removed God from a lot of things, but sadly we have removed Him and our ability to trust Him from ourselves! We have to start owning it.  It’s up to us to pray, we need to pray for our country, our world, our leaders.  We need to repent that we have become so self centered and reach out to others and show the Love of Christ to our fallen world, our fallen neighbors, our fallen selves.
Unlike Humpty Dumpty we are not so broken that we can’t be repaired.
In the midst of our troubles our hope is simply that God is Faithful!

God thank You for Your Mercy! Have it on us! Help us to reach out and look beyond ourselves and own what we have done in order to get our country back into Your hands. Help us to remain humble and to know it is From you all good things come! Heal our Land, Amen...

See you next time

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