Monday, February 11, 2019

The Good Driver!

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  How interesting life has been for me this last week or so.  I am home recovering from a tumble that I took at work, and it’s funny how sometimes you are able to see a lesson forming by an event that is not exactly pleasant or even part of your plan, for me, the lesson is that of humble pie and swallowing my pride!
Pride is vicious! It’s one thing to be proud, to be full of righteous pride, like if someone does something great, or you yourself achieves a goal, but it’s another to be so unable to accept help, or you feel guilty that folks may need to help you.  It’s easy to be a helper, it’s quite different when you are in the position of needing help.
So I fell.  I injured my foot, so I have ended up in a very ugly robo inspired boot.  It’s ugly, it’s heavy, it’s uncomfortable, it’s a cramp in my life, and my need to be busy.  By Friday last week I thought I would lose my mind I hadn’t been able to be out anywhere.  It’s was doctors appointment day so not only did I get to travel there but we decided we needed stuff, and made a pilgrimage to Walmart.
Here is where I believe my life lesson started. Yes, Walmart!
In past blogs I have shared Walmart experiences, you know no cheese, and I’m not sure if I shared slamming pie girl or not, if not, last weeks Walmart greeter was in the past a pie slammer, yeah, so anyway, I need to clarify that I don’t often go to Walmart, but we needed paper products so we decided that was the best choice because they have shopping scooters, motorized buggies!
This was not my first experience with the infamous scooter, but this time the experience was different.
So as my journey into the abiss of Walmart begins I find my self struggling with the operation of said device, just like any new vehicle you have to learn it.  I had to figure out forwards, backwards, slow, fast.  It didn’t help that my husband was walking behind me singing, “hey Speed Racer!” My response was simply an imitation of Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man exclaiming, “I’m a good driver, yeah, I’m a good driver!”  Now to us it was hilarious, we were having the best time trying to make light of my inexperience in driving my mode of transportation, but other customers found us annoying, and not only that they were a little inpatient with my inability to reach what I needed.  They could hardly wait to get past me.
It is very difficult when using one of these carts to have grocery store ediquette. You know, how you move to one side to let people through, you park your cart and go look for what you need and not block others who already’s very difficult.  I am a very polite shopper, I try to not hold folks up, so this was one of many challenges that I had this  trip.
I found that most people were very kind and understanding, I wasn’t the typical user of this vehicle, so they extended a whole lot of grace, they could see my uneasiness on my face, and will they were witnessing my skill.  Mike went to the other side of the store for something he needed, and I ended up  practically in tears because people buying laundry soap are mean!
See I had become vulnerable and controlled by my circumstance.  This thing that was a thoughtless act had become difficult, I had to rely on my husband to reach things I couldn’t and struggled reaching things that I could, all the while getting the look of doom from other shoppers.  Another shopper recognized my anxiety, and tried to comfort me, but those moments of comfort were few.
It was very humbling.  I am certain that this lesson in humility is a tool that God is using to soften my attitude,  when I am in a hurry and just want to get the task at hand done, when I have to wait my turn, whether it be at Walmart or even at home.  Sometimes we are so rushed to get our business taken care of we tend to look right through those who for what ever reason are struggling.
How many times have you felt your body language-facial expressions change because you have had to wait for someone else to simply get done!
We are all guilty.
We are so busy and often find ourselves thinking if we don’t get something done right now it will never get done.  Why? We are always in a hurry... my dad always said if you are in a hurry leave sooner.  There is much wisdom in that.
I believe God wants me to slow down, He wants me to really look at folks, and hey, maybe fulfill a need or two.  Because at any time their struggle may become ours! At any time any of us can be placed in a place of ultimate humility!
Lord today I pray that we all just open our eyes, our ears, our hearts to the things around, help us to recognize the struggle is real for everyone.  Help us to say a kind world or meet a need even if that need us simply a smile! Thank You Lord for revelation and for not only revealing to us who we are, but more of who you are !
See you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Great lesson in learning to be patient. I have been getting too many steps ahead in things I need to do, and it can cause problems with getting things done right. Plus, there are things I just want to do. I have been told to make time to do those things too as there will always be something needing done.
