Friday, May 8, 2015

I am His Princess

Welcome to Traces Space...So today I was enjoying an activity that I was doing at work, and during the activity it calls for us to wave...So for the past few weeks when we have done this I have said, "wave like a princess"...and all the little girls giggle and do the whole royal hand wave thing.  When we were done today,  I innocently said, "do you know that I am a Princess, my Daddy is the King".
Immediately one of the five year olds say's, "Miss Tracy is that true?" and I replied, "absolutely!"
They have no idea and really didn't want any real explanation on what I had just said, and whether or not they really believed me, the conversation kind of ended there, but what really struck me as interesting in this whole conversation, it was really natural for me to proclaim myself as a child of the King.  A princess, a person who is part of a family of royalty, a child of the One True King.
Now to some of you this may seem quite bazaar, and that is okay.  But for me it was like an eye opening experience, that maybe I am now in a place in my life where it is time for me to recognize where it is I truly stand, and Who I am truly standing up for.
See usually when you are part of a royal family, it is your job to represent.  You have a responsibility to do that with class and dignity.  When you blunder not only is it a reflection on you, but also on the ones you represent.  You have to pretty much own everything you say or do.  It is an awesome responsibility...and while it is sort of like that in my Daddy's kingdom, He also is the King who is merciful and is quite willing to extend that hand of grace, even when we are not deserving.
See this Kingdom thing is really big.  There are many who are part of this royal family.  There is me and believe it or not there is you.  We are all invited and adopted in...isn't that amazing?
I believe that He is calling His Sons and Daughters to stand up and be proud of Who He is, to represent and demonstrate the Love that He has for all, and to let those who don't know that they too can truly become royalty along with the rest of us. 
He is our King, and we are His Sons and Daughters.
1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
Romans 8:17
17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
There are many more scriptures that support this...
So today do you feel like royalty...From now on I think I really do...Am I full of myself, nope! I am just confident enough to know who my Daddy is, and He is a King, and because of that I am truly a princess...See you soon.

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