Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday Tidbits Revelation

Welcome to Traces Space.  So just for the record I do listen to our pastor when he speaks.  With that said, my mind occasionally wonders, and for the past couple of weeks I have honestly struggled, not that I wasn't  interested, but I think I have been on a journey to this little tidbit of Sunday revelation.
I am not a great believer in information gathered on social media, and believe me, I believe social media has a tendency to play the mind control game, so places that I go to for reliable information are few and far between, but occasionally I will come across something that sparks my interest, and today was one of those days, it all had to do with an article on the Quran.
In this said article it talked about things that as a Christian we may not know about Islam. I'm not going to go there, because my recollection would not be accurate, but I found it interesting.  What I want to talk about is the comments.  People who I believe never read a word of it spewed their hatred, while others attacked those who were sympathetic to those of us who chose to just be informed.
Am I advocating reading the Quran? Not really, but in order to enter into grown up conversation regarding differences in our belief systems, I would say, learn! I believe Jesus was very much educated on the folks of His day.
So where does church fall into this, and my rabbit trail?
I couldn't let the comments from the article leave my mind, I kept thinking about it.  So during the sermon, Abraham was mentioned, now was it in the context that I am about to share, no... but this is where after four weeks of struggling God had me go.
I was sitting there, the wheels spinning, and finally I say, God what am I suppose to get here? Yes, what are you speaking to me...What do I need to see?
So here is what I got.
When something is birthed from the results of disobedience there must be a consequence, and that thing that has been birthed and comes from your Egypt is nothing more than a spoiled child and full of self entitlement. (Ouch)
So then He speaks this, the Prodigal son.  See the story is about forgiveness, but God wants me to look at the older brother.  See that brother is put out because younger spoiled brother wastes his inheritance,  this younger brother shames his family by being a party animal and losing it all and the older brother stays home and engages in a faithful relationship with his father.
He honestly believes because of his faithfulness he is entitled to all that is left.  So younger brother mans up and heads home.  The father sees him coming and runs to him arms wide open... he then throws a giant party, and older brother pouts.  There is so much more in this story, but the focus here for me was this the older sibling.
We spend an awful lot of time thinking about what we have, what we don't, and sometimes resentful of what others have, not just the things we can see, but also the unseen, and I believe what God was speaking here was how we see or place value on our relationship with Him, and how we feel because we touch the porch steps to the church most Sundays, we are entitled to the relationship, just because.
We are jealous of others their giftings , but what's really sad, we are jealous of other peoples journey, whether they are just getting started or a seasoned saint.
That older son is us sometimes.
There is such beauty in this story that we miss, and I believe that there is a great parallel between the Prodigals older brother and Ishmael. They both resented the second born, and we folks are they!
We are owed nothing, but the ultimate  price has been paid.  God wants us to see ourselves as the lost child who has relinquished entitlement and replaced it with second birth because of the cross.  An act of total obedience has granted each and everyone of us an eternal inheritance.
We come before God filthy and hungry with nothing, yet He runs to us, arms wide open.
Lord, I thank You for Your word.  I thank You for showing and revealing who it is you desire we be.  Thank You for being part of my journey and showing me the way, even if it is a rabbit trail! Amen!
See you next time.

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