Monday, June 19, 2017

Who do they see?

Welcome to Trace's Space!  Who do they see?
These past few weeks I have been in a struggle, which I am sure those who know me, are very aware of.  I look at myself, I am very dissatisfied with my appearance, I have gained about twenty five pounds since last summer.  I feel ineffective in the things that I do, and feel my words,  as the leave my mouth, grate the very ears that hear them, and they grate the very depths of my being.  I do not like who I am in this season, or should I say who I see.
I am so discouraged in the events of the day.  Not just the world things, but the outcomes of things that I have found myself in the middle of.  Knowing that my words could not keep disappointment away, and certainly they could not prevent the is what it is outcome.  Would I say I am in a season of dissatisfaction? well a little.  See my persona is that of a fixer!
Why does it matter?
Simply, it matters because we are responsible for our words and our actions, ownership is part of who we are as humans. I see this as what is wrong with the world today.  In a trophy give away world, where every one wins, the thing that is lacking is ownership!
We grumble, we complain, folks get really tired of it, but we can't help it.  We do nothing to inspire change, and we model nothing that encourages positivity. Oh boy! That's rough! We model nothing that encourages positivity!
We are glued to the television, we are glued to our electronic hand held devices waiting on world events that are horrendous, waiting for our leaders to fall, finding ourselves thinking that somehow rejoicing in failure will make us feel better about who we are.
We are guilty!
But for the love of the Almighty, how do we change?
Change begins with me, as it does with you.  We have to learn somehow to find peace in chaos.  We have to find the place or at the very least an understanding of how God desires we model who He is in this tough season.
I haven't been very good at seeing it lately, because I have only been seeing myself!   How about you? Who do you see?
The Bible warns us of self love and self pleasure, and there are tons of folks in the Word who have been right where we are, or soon, where we have been.  From the beginning folks always had the if it feels good do it, don't wait on God attitude. I really believe that's why we are drawn to folks like, Abraham, Sarah, David, and the big 12.  There is a little of us in each of them.  Think about this, the hope is, as messed up as some of these folks were, God still used them for His Glory!
I am hoping this season ends quickly, or I get prayed out of it.  That I get the lesson, apply it, then get back to myself.
So why am I sharing this? Because I feel lead to, also because I know that I know that maybe some of you are right here in this season with me, or so that you may be lead to pray.
Lord, I come before you broken and feeling tough, not digging who I am.  My desire is to serve you, to honor you, to worship you.  Lord, I pray for those who are right here with me, I pray that you heal our hearts and our minds and that you continue to extend that hand of grace that only comes from you.  This I pray, Amen.
Who do they see?
See you next time.

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