Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hansel and Gretel, She Can’t Devour You, But She'll Try.

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  The world is scary, and our enemies are on the warpath ready to steal, kill and destroy, we seem to be spinning out of control, consumed by violence and non-willingness  to stand for what is right... whether it is spiritual or not, we need to get over our daily offenses and stand strong and be courageous.
So Hansel and Gretel.  You all know the story, they were disobedient, and decided to go where they were warned not to go.  They went into the woods, left their crumbs for guidance and ended up captive at the home of someone who offered them sweets! You know the stuff that not only looks appealing but tastes good too.  This place was soooooooo inviting.  Captivated by the beauty of gumdrops and lollipops and the aroma of freshly baked bread.  They were so hungry.
As quickly as the entered into what they believed to be pure joy, it was even quicker that they realized they were in really big trouble.  This beautiful place was dangerous.  The host was evil.  Evil had found what they needed, food, and that was the only invitation they needed.
When I was a kid, I don’t remember being warned too much about where not to go.  We went out early and played until well after dark.  My mother had two rules, don’t play in the creek, and when I yell you better get your backside home.  She knew where we were most of the time, we tended to feel guilty if we played in the creek because she told us not to... consequences of playing in the creek, my older brother got a whooping, my younger brother ended up with leeches, I don’t know which was worse.
I remember the neighborhood  kids were allowed in the water so we would sneak and swim.  On one occasion I went alone, oh how stupid was I?  Well I encountered a very large snake, needless to say I believe my creek adventures ended there... but think about the danger, the water and the current was not my fear, the snake! I could have drowned and no one would have known.  I could have been abducted, raped, murdered, but those were different times, we had no fear.  Not that those things didn’t happen, we just didn’t hear about it.
When raising my kids I was a nut job! I worried about where they were what they were doing, who they were with, don’t hide in the clothes rack, heart attack at 30!!!!  I was always afraid that someone would take my kids.  Dear Lord, that maternal instinct was in overload.   I had to be told by my loving husband to just breathe for crying outloud!
But our job as parents is to protect our kids, to keep them safe.  The world today is a really hard place to do that.
After 9/11, the idea of our children leaving home and not returning seemed to intensify for me.  With every act of violence in neutral places seemed to somehow add an extra awareness that no matter where we go, we are vulnerable to violence.  Churches and schools should be the safest places ever, but they are a constant target.  Any place where folks gather is a target, yes we live in a scary world, and while we aren’t throwing crumbs to mark our path, we are sure looking at the beauty of the outside and falling for the smell of fresh bread.  We are aware of the danger but ignore it because it hasn’t directly effected us.
The evil in this world is constantly looking for the most vulnerable and attacking.
What I forgot to tell you was, Hansel and Gretel were starving.  Their father had went out to look for food.  Their intentions were good, I figure they believed if they could find a good meal their father would forgive them for not listening.  The father knew the danger that awaited them and tried to protect them, but they made a choice.
Have we become so desensitized to danger and violence that we have decided to accept it?
We aren’t suppose to.
First and foremost we need to get on our knees and pray!  Lord forgive me for whatever I have done to contribute to the state of this world today.  Lord lead me in Your ways, equip me with wisdom, give me vision and strategically place me so that I can help in a positive way! It has to begin personally.  We have to first get right with God in order to effectively pray that others do the same.
We need to lose that because I am a child of God attitude of entitlement.  I am no better than anyone else, my sin is sin in the eyes of the Father.  Jesus walked amongst the sinners of His day.  Just because you minister to this messed up world doesn’t mean you aren’t messed up too.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
When Hansel and Gretel’s father returned home and found them missing I don’t think he panicked, he knew exactly where they were.  He went looking and found them after a couple of days!  Those kids had enough wisdom once caged to not get fat! They also had the faith in their father, they knew he’d come looking for them.  They knew he could over take evil because of Who He Is!
We are like them you know! Kind of my point!
Our Rescuer  is always present looking for us.  Even when we disobey.  He is willing to take on evil on our behalf.  His only desire is that we seek, find Him then follow! To proclaim He is Lord of all.  To repent, turn and sin no more.
Yes our world is a scary place, but we have a God that is way bigger than any of it!
God So Loved the World that He Gave His Son so that we shall have EVERLASTING life!
See you next time!

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