Sunday, March 25, 2018

They Couldn’t Buy A Clue, So He Paid!

Welcome To Trace’s Space.  Hosanna! Glory to the Highest ! Words that came from the mouths of the clueless as Jesus entered Jerusalem. I know that sounds harsh, but it was the reality of the moment, these same folks who were praising the King they had long awaited for, would be the same folks six days later selling him off to die so that a murderer could be free.
They did not know.  As Jesus was being crucified, He asked the Father to forgive them, for they knew not what they were doing.  For three years He had been walking amongst them being about the Fathers business, healing, preaching, raising folks from the dead, but somehow the witnesses to the Man, their Messiah, had been swayed by public opinion and fear of the government,  and they managed to go into complete denial of who He was/is.
Even the twelve, His friends were quick to deny Him.  One even sold His whereabouts for a few coins.  Tough times in the Holy Land.
Tough times in our land, America.  The simulairites to that time and ours is so amazing.  Our country is in turmoil, everybody looking for an answer, everybody blaming everyone else, everybody selling off one another in order to gain something, the only difference is, we aren’t selling off our Messiah, or are we?
We have lost a concept or two, or three, or many.  Someone asked today, what if none of us are right? The question really had little to do with faith, but depending on where you stand, it could have everything to do with faith.  See we all have our opinions on what is wrong or right with the world today.  We have this influx of information and that information can lead us in many directions, the problem is, how much if it is truth? How much is biased, how much is based on actual facts, how much of it is what we think we hear, or what we want to hear?  How confusing is it all?  We all process information differently, then we form our opinion.
From gun control to gender, from politics to religion, we all have a thought or two.  Who is right? We can’t even respect anyone’s opinion, or at the very least, let them complete a sentence.  It seems like the right for public opinion has been outlawed unless it’s popular.  But who decides that?  WHO IS RIGHT?
We are clueless.
See history repeats itself, we are human and we tend to forget, tend to not care unless it directly effects us.  See there is a pattern here.  A repeat.  The crowd was somehow convinced that they wanted Barrabas.  Even though Jesus too was standing there, they forgot or never really knew their Messiah, their salvation, that was about to be sent to die by those He came to save.
They were clueless.  Swayed by public opinion, or fear.
The good news is though, even though we don’t get it, there is hope! Even though we can’t buy a clue, someone has already paid full price for our inability to catch on to that which is right.  Our human nature will some day leave this world and our spirit will dwell where earthly matters won’t be so important.
We need to put the petty aside, live for Jesus.
Who’s right? I don’t know.  But what I do know is, I have decided to follow His lead, and pray for forgiveness, because I need to daily.  I need to pray for those who I disagree with and pray that God help me understand and vice versa. What are the answers? God only knows!
Amen? Absolutely!
See you next time.

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