Saturday, March 17, 2018

Warped Theology

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  What do you believe?  What do you define as truth? When we look at religion, or journies of faith, or simply our relationships with God, how sure are we that what we know is truth or warped theology?
I have been thinking about my own faith journey a lot lately, where I have been, and where I am, and whether or not you realize it or not, each one of us have a path and it’s all different.  We all have different relationships and styles of communicating with God, if we even communicate or acknowledge Him as our Savior at all.
When do we pray, how do we pray, do  you wither or thou, or do you just say hey God?  What version of the Bible is most accurate, do we invest in a commentary so we can gain understanding, do we google bible facts, or do we just dive into the Bible and pray for understanding?
I find myself struggling sometimes because I am  part of a generation that has been encouraged to seek knowledge in order to find or have truth revealed to me, then I find I am up against the newest generation of non-thinkers and data driven folks that think things are simply as they are based on literal information and surface facts. They do not dig deep into anything, and they certainly don’t ask for information, or if they do, they act like they hear you, but at the end of the conversation they will do what they are going to do anyway! The struggle is real!
I feel like the village idiot!  Experience speaks nothing to these folks. They need instant facts in order to obtain instant gratification.  I am a firm believer in the “on time God”.  What do I mean by that, I believe that His timing is perfect, we may want Him to respond instantly, or to simply just get it instantly, but it’s not always the case.
There is not a whole lot that is logical in the worldly perspective about God.  As a deep thinker, don’t laugh too hard there, but as a deep thinker logic messes with faith in big ways.  But as I have grown and gotten more familiar with the TRUE character of God, logic basically changes it’s appearance and manifests itself into a Faith full of Hope.
I have never seen a instant miracle of healing, the blind to see or deaf to hear, or lame to walk, but I know with every ounce of my being that God does heal folks.  I know that God has used doctors and given them wisdom in order to assist in healing.  I have a very good friend who is an example of  God putting the right Doctor in her path, she would not be here today if not for this Doctor and his wisdom.  To add to this, the Doctor, a man of great faith!
In an earlier blog I talked about getting understanding and never knowing why, again I believe there are some mysteries that will never be answered in this life.  I do not know why children are abused or starve, why some live, some don’t, but what I do know is God offers hope.  That’s a hard pill to swallow if you are ill, or have lost someone close to you, but in those desperate seasons, sometimes God is all you have to hang onto, and there is great comfort in that.  Sometimes He is the only one you can cry out to, scream at, be angry with ( I know you shouldn’t but if we are honest, He knows we are angry, so don’t be hiding behind a bush like Adam, He knows our heart), talk to Him.
Guard your heart and be careful who you listen to.  There are many voices out there, some even with good intentions.  Job had good friends, they listened then gave him crappy advice.  He knew God, and even though he had lost everything, he knew God would come through.  He lost his children his wife, his wealth, yet he still sought  and trusted God.  But on the flip side of that God allowed this mess with Job because He knew him.  Their relationship was real.  He knew Job would not lose sight of who his God is and would continue to have faith no matter how horrible it got.
Warped theology.  We all have our ideas on what is truth and what is not.  We know how we would like it to be, but God’s word is specific on how it is to be.  I encourage you, dive in. There are lots of opportunities to find a bible study out there or even find one online.  God wants you to get to know Him, His desire is to love on you and extend, love mercy, grace and hope!
See you next time!

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