Sunday, March 18, 2018

This Is My Story, This Is My Song!

Welcome to Trace’s Space.  My grandson and I were hanging out yesterday, and he said something and I immediately broke out into song.  He says, “ Mamaw why you singing.”  And I said, “ Jase I could probably come up with a song about anything!”  I believe at first he was amazed by my skill, then he became annoyed and asked me to stop.
But it is true, no matter the subject matter, I can come up with something, because music for me has always been my happy place.  As a child I remember the neighbor guy yelling for me to shut up because I was hanging upside down on the swingset singing opera.  I would sing songs I knew, that I made up.  I absorbed songs and they became part of me, if that makes sense.  For every life event there is some song attached to it...Music is the clearest attribute connected to my soul.
There are times when I am troubled, the safest place I can be, is sitting on my bed, iPad in hand earphones in place, and music blaring.  There are also times that in that escape I find myself dancing like no one is watching, or drowning in tears.  There is freedom there for me.  I can leave my space, and just drift away completely into what I am listening to.
No Segway! Here we go!
So, I wanted to be a star! This is actually pretty funny.  I was about thirteen years old and Jamboree USA was having a star search.  I wanted to to this thing, you know, to compete to sing so badly, that I could taste it.  Since it was country music I decided that I would learn a little ditty called. “ Heavens Just A Sin Away,” by the Kendall’s.  This was my song selection and ticket to stardom.  Remember I was thirteen.  So I get dressed up in my light blue pantsuit, with light blue ruffled blouse, adorned with really big bow, and along with my parents and little brother, off to Wheeling we went. We sat in on the show that evening, then proceeded to take my walk up the stairway to stardom.  Lots of famous folks had climbed those stairs, every step had someones star studded name on it.  It was dark and smokie, and scary.  So we get to the top of the stairs, I turn to my dad and say, “I can’t do it!”  I believe Dad breathed a sigh of relief, and gave a smile, and home we went.
I always chuckle about my road to fame, well, my pothole filled road to fame.  Did that experience make my dream go away, no, but it changed how I viewed how I was going to do what I loved just because I love it.  Or how God was going to bless me, with serving Him, by giving me the desire of my heart.
I love to praise and worship.  I know it’s the call I have on my life, and I feel honored every time I stand in the Presence of God and His folks, and help them to engage in Worship.  It is the most freeing place I know.  To me it is the ultimate chain breaker, healing, safest place I know. When I speak on Worship music time, it’s like I am talking about one of my children.  It is more than a song, it’s a way of life.  Well for me anyway...
This is my story, this is my song, is a line from the Hymn, “Blessed Assurance”.  We sang that today during worship, and as we sang it was so clear to me, the message of the of the chorus, this is MY story, this is MY song.  That moment in time, that lyric inspired by someone else’s journey, defined mine.  We all have a hymn, a spiritual song, not always attached to musical notes, but totally adorned with melody.  Whether it be major keys full of fun and simplicities, or minor keys full of depth or desperation, our lives, our journey flows like a song.
I totally thanked God for my journey today, for my song.  Because no matter how tough the piece, my song has been beautiful, and will continue to be so.
So today I pray that you too find your hymn, your song, that you find peace in your journey, you find a place of comfort, and when you are at your lowest, just sing! Help us to remember that our journey is so, so long, with out you Lord!Amen.

“This my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long, this is my story this is my song, Praising my savior, All the day long!”
-Blessed Assurance
Phoebe Palmer Knapp

See you next time!

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